You are doing great as it. My problem is sticking to what's works over a long period.

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I totally get that!

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Love this and know you’re not alone, we’ve all experienced this is some ways over the course of our businesses. I especially ❤️ the lat sentence!

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This is my first time reading your work and I'm in love!😍 Love your quirky sense of humor and honesty. (And the drawings are super cute too!)

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I love it! (and relate) And yes, I want your book and so will be ordering soon (cash flow crunch but it's on the list). I'm pretty sure I need multiple copies that will find their way as stocking stuffers this Christmas.

The title says it all! My introverted daughters will "get it" right away!

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Awww! This means the WORLD!

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Great post!

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I think that the answer is to divorce "yourself" from the marketing process - like when I write a CV, I just have to act like I am writing it about someone else I like and admire and want to promote (not icky old me). It's much easier to get over the ick factor that way!

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this is such a good tactic! will try this moving forward

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Your message really hit home for me. Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud.

The struggle is real! Keep grinding because nothing worth doing is easy.

I started a project/creative outlet called Mister Happy Fucker almost 2 years ago. I’ve been haphazardly manufacturing and distributing over a thousand fucks a month, like a soup kitchen feeds the homeless from a lunch truck. 🤣 Next month, I want to double that number.

Sometimes we have to focus on the money, but the real value often lies in the things that don't pay us back in cash. Probably like you, I’ve found immense value in the laughter and joy I bring to people’s lives with what I make. The thank-you hugs with tears in their eyes remind me why I keep this project going.

To help cover costs, I created a subscription service where I mail a new fuck 2 give. It serves as a physical reminder that people still have some fucks to give. But most of what I manufacture, I give away for free, particularly to random people as I go about my day. It's these spontaneous moments of connection that truly matter.

Hang in there and remember that your work is making a difference, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Keep on spreading those good vibes and making the world a better place.

I'm looking forward to reading your book and sharing it with my team.

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What a cool concept! I really appreciate you sharing your project. It sounds like such a fun way to bring joy and laughter to your community.

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Aug 12Liked by Haley Weaver

This post made me buy your book so… it works!

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!!! sob!

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Aug 12Liked by Haley Weaver

I feel what you're saying and you're absolutely right, it's not easy. We've learned to be humble and open and it feels kind of weird trying to get attention all to ourselves.

I think you should just focus on what others need and be happy that you can offer your creativity to others who need it. You are helping to make a better life for others, so yes, you can ask for a contribution!

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awww Marieke! Thank you so much!

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I so resonate with this.

So well-said!

Love the drawings!

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Ugh soooo true!!! The only way to do it honestly is to hate it, and I love that you hate it. If you loved it, we'd all be suspicious. Anyway, I really wanted to say that I wish I could see you in Chicago! So close--but also so far! I had a book event at Bookends & Beginnings and I love it there! Have so much fun! 💗

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I wish you could toooo! The Haley-and-Kelcey-hang-out-in-real-life moment eludes us once again. One day!!!

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Haha! And Boohoo! Have fun in Chicago! ❤️

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Aug 11Liked by Haley Weaver

I was just chatting to another Substacker about this. Hard relate to the sales & marketing inner chaos.

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SO MUCH inner chaos!

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Since I started meditating I feel less...turmoil. 🥺

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Aug 11Liked by Haley Weaver

Ah!!!!! Just discovered you and it feels so refreshing. I feel the same about what you said here, thank you for putting it into words (and illustration ❤️)

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I'm so glad it feels refreshing!!!

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Ahhhg i relate hard to this. I post something i wrote on substack on my instagram story and then instantly feel like… ah what is that icky feeling?!? Its tough because we live in a world of (arguably) greater opportunity especially to be entrepreneurial and share creative work but the downside to that is the constant self promotion and self marketing. Not helped by tiktok and the way the apps now work on an algorithm… we are victims and yet at the same time beneficiaries of the system!!! I am so bad at promoting myself and almost feel so bad and anxious about it that I’m considering accepting it will always just be my little hobby horse side hustle and nothing more. We shall see. From a fellow online-promotion-struggler!

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"we are victims and yet beneficiaries of the system!!!" This resonates so much. I feel both exhausted by it and grateful for it all the time. What a complicated feeling. Thank you so much for putting my feelings into words!

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It’s a really hard one, even for people who do it well. I think this should get past my paywall, but it might help you.

How to get over your sales phobia


How to fall in love with book marketing


Hope they help.

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Russell! Thanks for so generously sharing these and introducing me to your newsletter — I subscribed so fast! I appreciate your insight and love the positive spin on things that often loom over authors.

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Yay!!! :)

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Aug 10Liked by Haley Weaver

While it might feel like you've been posting self-promotional stuff non-stop, most people won't see all of it and it feels like less to almost everyone. It reminds me of that agonising feeling of having to prompt someone to reply to your text or email. The chasing up feels awful to me but to most people it's like 'oh yeah i meant to reply, thanks for the nudge'. They just missed it. To you it may feel like you're screaming about it all the time, but to your audience we're like oh cool, that's right, i've been meaning to order that! Anyway that's my two cents. Love your work and your recommendations 😊

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Thank you so much for sharing this take. It's true — and I've found it much easier to be gentle on myself when I think about my response to other authors and artists sharing their work. I'm so grateful for this reminder and for your kind words!

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